Sunday, April 1, 2007

'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' Matthew 25:40

1 comment:

4given said...

Dearest Brother in Christ, I thank God for a true man of God that shares his passion for God with healing & deliverance in such a powerful generous way.Thank you for coming to America to share what God has empowered you to do. The pure love of Jesus I felt from you radiates His light. I met you yesterday in Northern Kentucky at the 3:00 healing service. I thank God for the jewels He has privileged me to know in my life as you are one of them. We are going through some financial difficulties but I still will support your work as I know God would have us to. God has given me a special love for the people of India and they as well have been drawn to me. I pray for their salvation as I truly love these precious people with the love of Christ. I also am 54 years old. I look forward to the future as every day is a new adventure in Christ.
My mother went to be with the Lord as I spoke of her to you yesterday as she too was blessed to have a healing ministry. Her name is pastor Ruth Hoskins and how I wish she could have met you. She too radiated the pure unselfish love of a true servant of Christ. Thank you again for your walk with the Lord to set the captives free. It was so wonderful all the healing that took place yesterday. I believe 100% were healed and delivered. Praise His worthy name forever.

You may email me anytime for special needs and I will help in any way I can in addition to regular support. I would also like to know your schedule when you are in the US as I never want to miss seeing you when possible. My husband and I were very moved yesterday by the never ending power of God. Our God lives and He is moving mightily for His people. In His love,
Your sister in Christ

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