Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Home of Hope is an orphanage like no other! Bro. Gomes Ministry reaches out to the poor and hurting all over India. As he travels spreading the Love of Jesus Christ, villages, cities and single parents willingly give up their young due to the pressures of providing. Bro. Gomes has opened his heart to more than 150+ monthly, boys ranging from 4 to 17.

Bro. Gomes becomes their father for life. He houses them, dresses them, educates them and feeds them as if they were his own. The average orphanage in India provides a low calorie diet, housing conditions are poor and their education is a trade related at best. After 18 they are sent to fend for themselves but NOT THIS PLACE! Bro. Gomes takes the responsibility of training them how to be “Men” / “of God”. After they graduate 12th grade they will move up to the Bible College for further training and a college degree.

From being the lowest form of society, (untouchables) Bro. Gomes raises them to the level of respected, productive citizens for the Glory of God!

"Big Brother" Randall Landis,
An American who’s mission is to encourage people all over the world to open their heart to helping a little boy’s life change forever and possibly change his nation!

"to the world you might just be one person, but to one person you
might just be the world”

Friday, March 23, 2007

For 1 child per month

Food $20

Teaching & Training expenses $20

Clothing $5

Entertainment & Administration $5

Total $50

Tuesday, March 20, 2007